AmeriCorps DAWN Program Child Tax Credit Navigation Service

Did you all know that every year, low-income families miss out on billions of dollars in tax benefits?

-Tax benefits lift more families out of poverty each year than any other economic support program…and that’s a FACT.

-The most common reasons families miss these credits are because they aren’t required to file a return and don’t know about the benefit of doing so, they don’t have access to filing resources, or they mistrust the system.

-Trusted navigators with access to the right resources can make a huge difference!

-AmeriCorps DAWN members have been trained as Child Tax Credit Navigators and are READY to help individuals and families in the community access critical tax benefits.

Here is the direct link for an In-Person or Over the Phone appointment with a Navigator: Click Here

For self-service website, click here

Questions? Please contact the AmeriCorps DAWN office at or call 610-323-1888 Ext. 413