Who We Are

Our coalition is dedicated to helping returning citizens achieve successful reentry into society.
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Collaborative Members
Access Services’ Justice Related Services - At Justice Related Services, case managers are available to help adults with serious mental illness navigate the forensic system. Our goals include diversion from jail, a shorter length of stay in jail, and successful reentry into the community.
Aids Care Group -Working for and within populations adversely affected by stigma, poor access to care, discrimination, and poverty, AIDS Care Group is dedicated to using its resources to provide comprehensive and compassionate clinical care and social services to persons living with leading public health conditions including, but not limited to, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, mental illness, and opioid use disorders.
Along the Way - Along The Way is a non-profit that offers women acceptance, community and hope for life’s journey by providing high-quality, affordable, in-home childcare to single mothers who are working, going to school or training during nights and weekends.
Another Day Clean - is a network of recovery homes located in Montgomery and Chester counties. We provide a safe, structured environment that is ideal for those in early recovery and beyond.
Attorney General’s Office - JOSH SHAPIRO, ATTORNEY GENERAL
Baker Industries - Baker Industries’ unique non-profit workforce development program provides essential work opportunity and training for over 200 vulnerable, hard to employ adults each year.
Buxmont Bridge of Hope - To engage our community in ending and preventing homelessness for single mothers and children in Bucks & Montgomery counties through neighboring relationships that demonstrate Christ’s love.
Cabrini University - is a Catholic, liberal-arts university dedicated to academic excellence, leadership development, and a commitment to social justice.
Catholic Social Services - At Catholic Social Services we provide help and create hope for over 3,100 people every day. Our network of programs offers support to those who need it most. Every day we help the homeless & hungry, at-risk youth, struggling families & single parents. We help immigrants, refugees, neglected children and those with intellectual disabilities. We provide programs for pregnant teens, and court-adjudicated delinquents.
Carson Valley Children’s Aid Society - Carson Valley Children's Aid is dedicated to delivering services to children, youth and families that ensure their safety, build on their strengths, honor their differences and empower them to achieve their goals for success in life.
CADCOM - The Montgomery County Community Action Development Commission (CADCOM) is an anti-poverty agency that changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes Montgomery County a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
Center of Excellence ( Montgomery County Recovery Center) -We are a team of professionals working together to ensure that individuals suffering from opiate use disorders can access the physical and behavioral health services needed to support their recovery. While we do not provide treatment, we do provide a warm handoff to the appropriate provider after meeting with the individuals we support. We are a mobile unit that will deliver services where the client presents — from a local shelter to an outpatient or inpatient program.
Central Behavioral Health -Central Behavioral Health is a private, non-profit, charitable, multi-service behavioral health facility, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. “Central is a community dedicated to helping people of all ages improve their emotional and behavioral health, develop resiliency, and achieve personal fulfillment.”
Chestnut Hill College - At Chestnut Hill College, we emphasize the growth of the whole person. That means we strive to provide our students with not only an enriching and challenging academic environment, but also with an exciting social life, a healthy spiritual life and a well-rounded active life.
Creative Health Services - Creative Health Services provides quality behavioral healthcare designed to empower and promote wellness for individuals, families and communities.
Eagleville Hospital - Eagleville Hospital is a 305-bed, independent, non-profit addictions and behavioral health treatment and educational organization.
Family Services of Montgomery County - Family Services provides a variety of programming, including: reentry services, family support, substance abuse prevention, parent education, health and wellness and resources for older adults.
Gaudenzia - We're Substance Use Disorder treatment and recovery services, offering help and hope to you and your loved ones.
Healthspark - We are a private, independent foundation in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia. Our mission is to invest in nonprofit organizations, networks, and coalitions promoting a more just and healthy community.
Hopeworx - We provide resources and opportunities for people to advocate for themselves and to improve mental health services in Montgomery County for adults living with mental illness.
Howard University School of Divinity - Howard University School of Divinity (HUSD) is one of the oldest fully accredited (1940) theological schools affiliated with the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.
In His Eyes - ln His Eyes Outreach is committed to women who are labeled as ex-offenders. We understand the isotation and stigma placed on women who have been incarcerated. We want to offer you support and guidance when needed.
JEVS Human Services - JEVS Human Services has 1,000 employees and two dozen successful programs providing skills development, job readiness & career services, vocational rehabilitation, recovery services, adult residential and community participation services, and in-home personal assistance.
Laurel House - Laurel House is a comprehensive domestic violence agency serving individuals, families and communities throughout Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA - (LASP) is to provide quality legal representation to low-income and vulnerable people in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties, to empower them to solve problems without legal representation through legal education and increased access to the courts, and to change community practices and systems that cause or aggravate poverty.
Liberty Ministries - Liberty Ministries was established in 1980 to serve the inmate populations of Montgomery County Correctional Facility and the State Correctional Institution at Graterford. Since that time, Liberty Ministries has positively impacted thousands of men and women inmates and ex-inmates with the teaching of the Word of God, spiritual, physical and emotional support, and the life changing power of Jesus Christ.
Literacy Council of Norristown - The Literacy Council of Norristown empowers adults to improve literacy skills or learn the English language utilizing trained volunteers and teachers who provide tutoring or classroom instruction at little or no cost.
Livengrin - Livengrin offers a full range of detox, inpatient, outpatient and specialty services for drug, alcohol and other substance abuse dependencies.
Lower Merion Counseling and Mobile Services - Lower Merion Counseling & Mobile Services offers help to people whose lives have been affected by mental illness and/or substance abuse.
Magellan Health Services - Launched in 2015, the Magellan Cares Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit, charitable organization with the mission to improve the health and well-being of the lives and communities we serve.
Manna on Main Street -Manna on Main Street is committed to ending hunger in the North Penn region by providing food, fulfilling social service and education needs, and conducting community outreach. Through a food pantry and soup kitchen, emergency financial aid, counseling and referrals, and education opportunities, we serve those in need with the hope “that everyone might be fed.”
Merakey - Merakey is a leading developmental, behavioral health, and education non-profit provider offering a breadth of integrated services to individuals and communities across the country.
Montgomery County Anti-Hunger Network - MontCo Anti-Hunger Network (MAHN) is an inclusive alliance of emergency food providers maximizing the acquisition and distribution of nutritious food to those in need.
Montgomery County Adult Probation and Parole - The Adult Probation and Parole Department acts as an extension of the Board of Judges of Montgomery County. The agency has the responsibility to supervise in the community all probationers, parolees, and intermediate punishment cases who are under the Montgomery County Board of Judges’ authority.
Montgomery County Commerce Department - The Chamber of Commerce exists as a catalyst – a common vehicle through which business and professional people work together for the common good of the community.
Montgomery County Domestic Relations - The Montgomery County Domestic Relations Office establishes paternity and determines and enforces child and spousal support orders in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and rules of civil procedure.
Montgomery County Office of Community Connections - To provide compassionate assistance, by highly skilled staff who navigate and advocate for those in need of human services and to foster partnerships with the community and providers to improve access to service.
Montgomery County Correctional Facility - The Montgomery County Correctional Facility houses both male and female offenders who have been sentenced and individuals awaiting trial.
Montgomery County Court Administration - Montgomery County is a pioneer in the establishment of the office of court administrator.
Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office - The Montgomery County Office of the District Attorney is dedicated to achieving justice and protecting the safety of our community. Our goal is to keep Montgomery County safe by effectively working with the entire law enforcement community in fairly investigating and aggressively prosecuting criminal activity throughout our county.
Montgomery County Drug and Alcohol - The Montgomery County Office of Drug and Alcohol provides a wide range of drug and alcohol services to county residents in the areas of Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, and Recovery Support.
Montgomery County Health Department - It is the Mission of the Montgomery County Office of Public Health to provide public health services and foster collaborative actions that empower our community to improve its health and safety. Our Vision is to optimize the health and wellness of individuals and families through innovative practices.
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services - The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services collaboratively provides an accessible network of resources that fosters, supports, and enhances the health and well-being of Montgomery County residents.
Montgomery County Housing Authority - The Montgomery County Housing Authority (MCHA), in partnership with community organizations, agencies and local governments, provides housing and homeownership opportunities for low and moderate income persons and families.
Montgomery County Office of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities - Montgomery County’s Office of Behavioral Health is committed to providing our consumers with the highest quality behavioral health care services, which are easily accessible, respectful of the individual and family, welcoming and focuses services delivery on the unique needs of each individual.
Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth - The Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth, under Pennsylvania law, is mandated to investigate all reports of suspected abuse, neglect, or dependency of children from birth to age 18 in Montgomery County.
Montgomery County Opportunities Industrialization Center - Montgomery County OIC is a non-profit community-based organization that has been meeting the needs of the economically disadvantaged individuals throughout the community.
Montgomery County Public Defender’s Office - The Montgomery County Public Defender takes a client-centered approach and provides free criminal legal representation to indigent clients.
Montgomery County Program Office of Housing and Community Development - The Office of Housing and Community Development provides a comprehensive, coordinated program that addresses housing, community, and economic development within Montgomery County.
Montgomery County Recovery Center/Center of Excellence - MCRC is a licensed methadone treatment program. Medication Assisted Treatment in conjunction with counseling and supportive services are provided to support those struggling with addiction to recover.
Montco Works - MontcoWorks administers workforce programming that is designed to meet the diverse needs of employers and job seekers in Montgomery County.
Mission Kids - Our mission is achieving healing and justice for victims of child abuse by providing collaborative services, advocacy, leadership, and education.
New Found Freedom - Newfound Freedom consists of a network of affordable and structured recovery residences for men & women throughout Levittown and Bristol, Pennsylvania. Our focus hinges on creating realistic foundations in sobriety that are able to withstand the day-to-day rigors of life.
No Longer Bound Development Center - We work with communities to increase youth leadership, women's resources, and healthcare education.
Norristown Church of God - Religious Center/Church of God/ Nonprofit Organization. “We are a growing church for growing people.”
Norristown Hospitality Center -The Hospitality Center was created from true and simple love for people. It is a home during the day for anyone who otherwise would be left hungry, weary or living on the streets.
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency - PCCD initiates, validates, and financially supports justice-related programs put forth by practitioners and experts in the justice system. We focus on research, policy, planning, training, evidence-based programming, technology, outreach, and support services.
Penn Foundation - Founded in 1955, Penn Foundation is a non-profit organization providing innovative services to address the mental health and substance abuse treatment needs of individuals in our community.
Penn Psychiatric Center - Our wide-range of services include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, couples therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Peer Support and Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Services (BHRS) and we extend our services to children, adolescences and adults.
Pottstown Works - In 2017, Pottstown Works was established as a program of The Salvation Army of Pottstown to bring people out of poverty by helping them overcome barriers to work.
Pro-Act - Pennsylvania Recovery Organization - Achieving Community Together (PRO-ACT) is a grassroots advocacy and recovery support initiative of The Council covering Southeastern Pennsylvania. PRO-ACT works to reduce the stigma of addiction, ensure the availability of adequate treatment and recovery support services, and to influence public opinion and policy regarding the value of recovery.
Project Hope - Over the past 30 years, Project HOPE has improved the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS and those at-risk for the disease by providing medical case management services, HIV, STD, and HEP C testing, prevention, education and outreach to Montgomery County. We provide free condoms to the community. We are LGTBQ friendly. There is no judgement with our services. We provide all these services in English and Spanish.
ResCare - ResCare, Inc., founded and headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is dedicated to impacting communities for the better with a mission to help people live their best life.
Reuniting Families Bail Fund - The Reuniting Family Bail Fund is a volunteer-supported group that aims to mitigate the harms of cash bail in Montgomery County, PA
RHD -Resources for Human Development is a national human services nonprofit with the broadest possible service mission, and specializes in creating innovative, quality services that support people of all abilities wherever the need exists.
Rise Above - Rise Above is a licensed drug and alcohol outpatient counseling program that offers a variety of services to meet the needs of individuals in the areas of addiction, anger management and domestic violence.
ShopRite - Brown’s Super Stores, Inc. operates ten ShopRite supermarkets in the Delaware Valley. Jeff Brown, a fourth generation Philadelphia grocer, is the founder, President and CEO of the company, which employs more than 2,300 associates who are committed to making a difference for our customers and the local communities we serve.
South East Regional Mental Health Service Coordinator Office - The Mental Health Departments in the southeast counties of Pennsylvania (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia), collaboratively plan and develop regional specialized support services for adults (18+) who have serious mental illness. As individuals are returning to the community from State Hospitals, institutions, or from long term placements, the Counties together are developing specialized residential and other support services to meet the needs of each individual.
SOAR - The goal of the SOAR Workforce Reintegration Program is to help people make a successful transition into the workforce by earning Industry Recognized Credentials and becoming productive, responsible, and law-abiding citizens.
TeachOneFeedOne - Teach one Feed one is an organization driven by innovative thinking, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. Some of our core values include promoting equality, harmony and cohesiveness of the highest degree.
The Hope and Help Network - The Hope and Help Network is a faith based organization dedicated to assisting all people seeking to lift their life and family out of the burden of addiction, poverty & despair by connecting with resources and programs throughout the Montgomery and Bucks Community.
Truth for Women - Providing restorative care for sexually exploited women and increasing awareness.
VNA-Personal Navigator - The Personal Navigator Program of VNA-Community Services, Inc. is a benefits access program committed to helping connect individuals and families to benefits that improve health, increase food security and economic stability through program eligibility determination, application assistance and utilization support.
White Deer Run - We are committed to providing the best continuum of care for individuals struggling with Alcohol & Drug Addiction. Our programs are designed so that each client receives a personalized treatment plan to help combat their addiction.
Why Not Prosper - We are a grassroots nonprofit founded by a formerly incarcerated woman for other formerly incarcerated women. We are strong advocates for women and are committed to providing programs and services that support women in their re-entry efforts from prison to community. We provide a continuum of programs that includes Pre-Release Mentoring to incarcerated women, residential services at Why Not Prosper House and community services at our Resource Center located in Philadelphia PA.
Women’s Bridge Resource Center - To help women in crisis or transition achieve financial security, find adequate housing, obtain sustainable employment, and gain emotional stability.
Women’s Center of Montgomery County - The Women’s Center of Montgomery County is a volunteer, community organization with a primary focus on freedom from domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Our programs, policies and procedures reflect our strong commitment to empowering women.
Worth While Wear - WORTH IT is an 6-week series of classroom experiences for women with a history of forced prostitution on subjects like trauma, domestic abuse, and general health issues, including suicide prevention.
Your Way Home Montgomery County - The Women’s Center of Montgomery County is a community domestic violence program, serving all victims of family and intimate partner abuse.
YWCA of TriCounty Area - YWCA Tri-County Area educates children, youth, families, and communities. Our programs empower individuals to learn and grow across the lifespan, providing the foundation for a healthy and thriving community.
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