The Hospitality Center is hosting an ID Clinic
When: Saturday, 10/8/2022 from 10 am until 12 pm
Where: Hospitality Center, 530 Church Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Registration: call 610-277-1321
Do you need a photo ID, birth certificate, Social Security card, voter registration, or social services application?
Need help with the fees? We can do that!
Bring any of the following:
Personal identification-Social Security card; old photo ID or driver license; military ID; marriage or divorce certificates; passport; education ID; naturalization or citizenship certificate; birth certificate
Proof of residence-Rental agreement, mortgage paperwork, utility bills, medical bills, W-2 forms, work ID, tax returns, bank statements
Sponsored by Nueva Vida Norristown New Life Mennonite Church, the Hospitality Center, and friends